
This is one of my first compositions, this is made using on tap effect with acrylic paint i have done a one tap effect  so the contrast of negative and positive space work with each other to make the positive space stand out. I used a symbol from Wigan Parish church flooring to create the center composition as i found it interesting a rather beautiful with the use of nature. The drippings are created with wax candle and wax crayon. Iv added wax in church candles have big meanings in church to pray for the dead and the living. I used dripping to signify the burning of the candle as it drips down the side of the candle.

I tried a dripping the wax down both sides of this composition to see the effect of the crossing and the effect the dripping from both sides would have on the symbol. The first couple of compositions are created with paper as this is a simple media to start with.   

With this symbol i have used water colour paint to see the effect i don't really like the water colour effect as it isn't very bright as the crayon is brighter than the water colour. I used muslin for this composition to see what effect it would have muslin has a symbolic reference in the bible with Jesus being wrapped in it at birth and him also washing his face with it so i thought it would be a good material to experiment with.

This was created using a wax pot and a dabber i created pattern all over this as originally it didn't work out the way i planned i wanted to just add the wax on the lines but the dabber dripped on the paper. I used water colour for this symbol as it let the wax pattern come through still. I then covered the symbol and pored blue and yellow ink and created a wash over the background, i have found that this composition has worked well to add a old effect which fits into the old traditional churches.

I used a different symbol also from the floor of Wigan Parish church  as i found this one also beautiful with the nature in it and the center where it looks almost like the windows from the church. I added the wax around the symbol as i was experimenting with the application of the wax i don't really like the wax drippings in this piece as it doesn't flow.

This is created with a thin paper almost like tracing paper i created this with a circular expressive motion  i added dots to it to keep the one tap effect to it. If you hold this to a window you can see the light shinning through this is the why i think this composition has worked well as a stain glass window effect.

This is the composition where i started to steer away from the controlled detailed composition to a expressive composition. I wanted to experiment with expressive paint as i find expressive compositions more exciting and have more effect on people. I originally used the colours from my original compositions but as i went on i felt it needed more of a statement.   

This composition is one of my favorites as i feel happy while looking at it i find this piece  also reminding me off a  halo with the brightness and fading of the light i kept the circle shape as i didn't want to steer to far from the original compositions i added mixed paint drippings as i wanted to keep the dripping effect i feel there is loads off different opinions and thoughts to this composition especially when peers comment on it they all feel different things. 

This was my original composition befor changing it to the one below i created this with  a circular motion with paint i  used different colours as i wanted to make it bright i stood it up against a wall to add the dripping from the paint.

This composition is a expressive dragging effect  dragging the paint i did this to experiment with the effect of all the paint together i then worked into it to add blocked colours. for a experimenting piece i think this is a success as a composition as you can still see the connection between the original and this one, with this composition i can see a modern twist i may push this further in the future by adding dark drips down the edge of the composition.

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