16th September 2013
First i felt my heartbeat and created different marks which would express the rhythm of my heartbeat, I used graphite for this as it adds a bolder line than a simple pencil, I also added tone in areas to show the different depths in sound. I next jogged on the spot to increase my pulse rate, I then felt my pulse and repeated the same method and drew the rhythm of my pulse rate.
I moved on from expressing my pulse rates to drawing the rhythm/pattern of my foot steps, I did this twice but the second time i walked faster this created a circle with closer range pattern, I then decided to do this again but created a more refined composition.
Lastly I mixed all of the above compositions on a sheet of A1 paper this created a whole new composition. I used pencil and graphite, I feel i have created many different ways of creating different makings which i can develop into other compositions.
17th September 2013
I have started to add different medias to this large composition, I have decided that i want to create positive and negative space in my composition, i have tried creating this by using willow and compressed charcoal, acrylic paint, watered down paint and cardboard. I have attached different material onto my composition to add different texture and seeing if i could create different marks using the materials. I have used many different techniques which i have learnt from the past such as dry brush, paint splashing and ink drippings. I am struggling with which direction i am wanting to go with this composition and i feel my struggle is starting to show in the composition.
18th September 2013
Today I have started a large composition by sticking A1 sheets of paper together, I have chosen one of my compositions from my work book and enlarged the composition and drew it onto the large pieces of paper using graphite i then started to paint the largest shape using black and white.
23rd September 2013
I have continued on creating my compositions combining pulse rates and heart beats i have added materials to the composition to add a little depth and texture as i felt this could connect to a different way of making parks which i experimented with once it was connected to my composition, i did this by adding ink to the material to see how this would change the simple white colour to something far more interesting i also added watered down paint to see if the paint would be soaked up by the material or if it would drip down the composition, once the material had finished soaking up the water it then went on to drip down the composition making new different marks.
24th September 2013
As i have been struggling to get a feeling for the large composition which now has random marks which don't fit in i thought it would be best to get some advice of my tutor. His advice came in very handy and pushed me in the right direction. after blocking of areas with black watered down paint and adding a simple piece of paper with brown tape completely changed the whole direction of the composition. From this point i feel my composition has a feel of Rouschenburg and i feel some more in depth research on this artist will help me greatly.
25th September 2013
For the first half of the day i have created small compositions in my book just using a plain old fine liner to keep them simple after doing these i spent the rest of the day creating mono-prints. For the first couple of prints i just kept it simple and mainly experimented with different ways of creating marks. I also added some colour to try and make some of the compositions more interesting i will push these further by concentrating on the placement of shapes and marks.
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